
Friday, February 15, 2013


Yes, we all love BeyoncĂ© and I love The Gentlewoman even more. I'm pretty psyched to check out the new issue with Miss B on the cover. 

I know that some people hate "Girls" with the fire of a thousand suns or something, but I just don't get it. I could write a whole dissertation on why I love this show, but I probably won't so let me just say that this week's episode, "One Man's Trash," blew me away. I thought it was amazing as a standalone piece of television, short story, whatever you want to call it. Matt Zoller Seitz's article on Vulture about the episode pretty much summed up all of my feelings. I highly recommend that you read it, as well as a great review by Emily Nussbaum's of the second season in this week's anniversary issue of The New Yorker. For all of the rest of you, haters gonna hate. 

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